reflectR 2.1.3 (2024-05-15)
- Added the 'na.rm' parameter to all functions for flexible handling of missing data.
Documentation Updates
- Updated email contact information in the function documentation.
reflectR 2.1.2
- Enhanced the response recognition pattern for item 1 of the Italian CRT-2 to include feminine declensions of correct responses.
- Revised the response recognition pattern for item 4 of the Italian CRT-2 to ensure that all numerical values (excluding zero) are recognized as impulsive responses.
- Expanded the response recognition pattern for item 4 of the English CRT-2 to include 'none', 'no', 'air', and 'void' as potential correct responses.
Documentation Updates
- Updated the DESCRIPTION to acknowledge the European STERHEOTYPES project for funding the data collection used for the initial manual multi-rater coding of CRT-2 items.
reflectR 2.0.2 (2024-05-03)
CRAN Submission Adjustments
- Explained the acronym CRT (Cognitive Reflection Test) at its first mention in the DESCRIPTION file.
- Enclosed package name in single quotes in the DESCRIPTION to meet CRAN formatting guidelines.
- Included DOIs for all cited scientific references in the DESCRIPTION.
reflectR 2.0.1
CRAN Submission Adjustments
- Modified the package title in the DESCRIPTION to comply with CRAN policies, so that it does not start with the package name.
reflectR 2.0.0
Major Enhancements
- Expanded Coverage for CRT Versions: Introduced automatic coding support for multiple versions of the Cognitive Reflection Test beyond the initial versions. Specific additions include:
- Added 'CRT4': Automatic coding for the 4-item Cognitive Reflection Test version (Toplak et al., 2014).
- Added 'CRT7': Automatic coding for the 7-item expanded Cognitive Reflection Test version (Toplak et al., 2014).
- Added 'CRTlong': Automatic coding for the Cognitive Reflection Test IRT-based long version (Primi et al., 2016).
Improvements in Regex Matching
- Improved response recognition patterns across all functions to better match theoretical definitions and observed data, trying to enhance the accuracy and reliability of response coding.
Documentation Updates
- Updated documentation to include examples and detailed descriptions for the new functionalities introduced for all new CRT versions.
- Enhanced the user guide and examples to help researchers in using the coding capabilities for the different CRT versions.
reflectR 1.1.0
- Added 'CRTtwo': Automatic coding for Cognitive Reflection Test version 2 (Thomson & Oppenheimer, 2016), expanding the package to cover the English version following the initial Italian test.
- Improved error handling across the package to manage unusual or unexpected inputs and NAs, as well as different coding schemes and different items number.
reflectR 1.0.0
Initial Release
- Launched the reflectR package with basic automatic coding capabilities for the Cognitive Reflection Test 2.
- Added 'itaCRTtwo': Initial test version for automatic coding of the Italian-language version of the Cognitive Reflection Test 2 (Thomson & Oppenheimer, 2016).
- Provided first documentation for all initial features.